... no distance is great enough to keep us apart ....
Your love and support is alway felt here.
Thank you ... The Jimenez Family

November 3, 2011

Update 2


Dr. Richards and the Renal Doctor have decided not to do a kidney biopsy at this time as Pop Pop's numbers are not high enough and it can be a dangerous procedure for him in his current state.  The area that a biopsy needs to be taken from is small and if the kidney is punctured he can bleed internally.  His creatin level is 2.22 (normal is 0.70 - 1.30).

The treatment plan for now is two days of Chemotherapy (today and tomorrow) after which he will be sent home.  She would like him to return every three weeks for Chemotherapy (2 days) during which time they will monitor him to check and see if the treatment is is effective in keeping the cancer immobile.  Between treatments he will continue to have his levels checked. 

For the time being he will not receive radiation.

Pop Pop is in control of his treatment plan.  At any time he feels that the chemo is too much for him or there are too many side effects he may choose to stop treatment.

Although Dr. Richards does not feel that Pop Pop has cancer in his kidneys, they are still unsure what is wrong with his kidneys (other than the existing issues of his kidneys functioning at 22%). He MUST drink a lot of fluid (6-8 bottles) daily. Insufficient fluids will only harm his kidneys further.

They are not sure what is wrong with his jaw.  On the PET Scan it presents as a hollow ring (much like a life saver).  If it shrinks with the chemo, it may be cancer however if it continues to grow they will biopsy it.  They do not feel that it is an abscess as it would have looked different on the scan.

WHY NOT BIOPSY NOW?  Pop Pop's platelets are still too low (43). 

Rituximab, Bendamustine


No one was in the room with daddy when Dr. Richards visited today.


Yesterday, they put in the port...last night it was hurting so he had a Percocet (she told him to have more if needed).  

Today, they are supposed to biopsy the kidneys however his levels are not high enough to do that.
Richards has a meeting with the renal doctors today to see if the kidneys are showing any improvement

MAYBE  Chemo today, she has to confer with the Renal doctors first to see if they want to and can do a biopsy first

The Lump in the jaw... Richards spent time reviewing the PET Scan.  The PET Scan does not show anything cancerous on the jaw; however, they need to keep an eye on it.  If it continues to grow they will have to biopsy it.  Although the PET Scan does not show anything now, the scan is not definitive, some areas can become cancerous or show as cancerous later.

The spots on the face she is unsure if they are skin cancer ... he will have to see a dermatologist.

For now PET Scan shows all the cancer to be localized to the right side (Thigh and Butt). 

Bone Biopsy came back clear.

Friday, October 28 2011

Pop Pop is in UNC and has a port in again.  We are still waiting on test results to learn more about where the cancer has traveled to and hope to hear no later than Friday.  The doctor has expressed that she would like to discuss options to keep the cancer immobilized (not cured) once we have all the results back.

October 29, 2011

Friday, October 28 2011

I had hoped that I would never have to post on this site again. I don't even know if anyone still receives updates or visits this site.  Today the doctors have confirmed that Pop Pop's Lymphoma has returned.  Monday he has a PET scan scheduled so we can learn more about where the cancer is located and whether it is localized or if it has spread.  Tuesday, he will enter the hospital for at least 2 days during which time he will receive a treatment in hope to prevent the cancer from continuing to spread further.

I will post updates as we learn more as in the week to come expect to receive test results.

December 15, 2010

Maucho takes good care of Pop Pop

It is hard for Pop Pop to swallow. Little by little.

Some time with Pop Pop

December 14, 2010

Everyday seems to have it's ups and downs.  Although Pop Pop's numbers have been going up (that is until today), he still has his moments.  For instance we learned the hard way that he does not metabolize nor respond well to Oxycodone. It apparently makes him hallucinate and Dalaudid gives him tremors. Balancing his medications (accounting for their effects on his kidneys and BP) has been a battle, according to his doctor it is because of this his BP has been out of control. Two days ago, Pop Pop developed pneumonia (thankfully the doctors quickly and aggressively treated it, so it is not as bad as it could be) which has put a strain on breathing (a very important function).  Also he has retained an extra liter of fluid. The doctors are trying to eliminate the amount of fluids he receives because his lungs have water.

For the first time in days, Pop Pop's numbers have gone down.  He continues having difficulty breathing without the Oxygen.  The doctor has given him an idea of where he needs to be (physically) prior to being discharged and has again reiterated that he prefers for Pop Pop and Nurse Lucha to stay at the family housing around the corner once he is discharged.

Nurse Lucha and Assistant Mau have been at Pop Pop's side daily, I know Mau has been a very big help to them both.  Twice this week Pop Pop has had a sleep over, once with Nurse Lucha and Assistant Mau, and the other time with Eduardo.  Everyone has become very familiar with the hospital staff, personally I like the lady who calls Pop Pop "Papi" and Barbara who sets everyone straight (including Nurse Lucha...sending her to go see her doctors too).

December 9, 2010

December 8, 2010

The happy couple celebrated their 43rd Wedding anniversary by renewing their vows to one another (in the hospital room).  The whole ceremony was short and sweet and the room was bursting with love.  We crammed Mauricio, Eduardo, Allison, Caroline, Juan, Isabella, Alexander, Dr. Woods, a nurse, the chaplin, Nana and Pop Pop(of course), and me as well as a few cameras and Nicole, Ana and Alycia (via Skype)... all in one tiny room (as I said, bursting with love).  Though we missed Carlos and the gang very much!

There is something to be said to watch your parents profess their love to one another.

On a side note:  I was soooooo happy to see my daddy (yes, I still call him daddy), I miss him too much.  Now I just can't wait until the day I can kiss him (I had to keep my mask on).

December 8, 2010

December 7, 2010

I realize that a lot of time has passed since my last post and I feel like I owe you an apology and an explanation. Especially if this is your main source of information on Pop Pop's well being. So, please accept my sincerest apology.

As for a brief explanation of where the time has gone

11/17 - 11/21:  We were busy getting "things" in order prior to Pop Pop going into the hospital. During that time, he continued to have his regular lab appointments.

  • 11/22:  I was out of town.  Although I spoke on the phone daily with everyone, I found it difficult to give an accurate report (hence, no blog).  I returned on 12/02 (pm); however, I discovered while away that I had bronchitis...which meant I still could not see him.  Tomorrow, I hope to see him for the first time (though I need to check with his nurses first). I miss him so much!

11/22 - 11/23  Pop Pop continued with his lab visits and he was had testing done to be cleared for the Bone Marrow Transplant.  On 11/23, we learned that his cancer is still present. We hope that the BMT will kill the remaining cancer, otherwise he may have to have radiation as well.

11/24 Pop Pop was admitted to UNC hospital for a Bone Marrow Transplant (though the transplant does not take place until more chemo is administered) He will remain in the hospital for 3-4 weeks.

11/24 - 11/29  Pop Pop underwent a long & very strong 6 day chemotherapy treatment.  During which time his levels began to drop.

11/30  He received his stem cells that were harvested on 11/16

12/1 - 12/6  His levels continued to drop. His white blood cells dropped below 0 and he is very susceptible to germs.  Each day is more difficult than the day prior.

12/7 His blood cells are finally on the rise however they are still critically low and a hair above 0 (0.1).  During this transition period we are told that he will continue to feel worse with each day.  Currently he has soars in this mouth and throat that cause "excruciating pain".  He was given a lot of drugs today and was flying high.  I still have not seen him, but my understanding is that he is weak, he can not stand, he has barely eaten and is in pain.  Yet when I speak with him on the phone, he still jokes and laughs.

Thanksgiving came early this year for Nana and Pop Pop as the Gomez Clan surprised him with a Thanksgiving Feast the night before he went to the hospital.  He enjoyed many delectable delights. Also, Mauricio, Nicole and the girls were able to come to NC during the thanksgiving break.  Pop Pop was visited in the hospital many times by Mau, Nicole, and the girls & of coarse Eduardo, Allison, and Caroline (Harrison is too little).  Nurse Lucha has held strong and has been well cared for by the boys.  Mau is back in town for the next two weeks and will be able to help Lucha with the driving back and forth among other things. (I feel like we need a nickname for him).  I will have to see if I can get some pictures from some of his visits with everyone.

November 18, 2010

November 17

So a day off turned into a trip to the hospital.  Pop Pop felt terrible, as in so bad it was scary!  It turned out his Potassium and Magnesium levels were low.

Nurse Lucha is a trooper, she put the pieces to her broken back back together and is right by Pop Pop's side.  I don't know how they do it sometimes. Like I said, they just do what needs to be done.

Though Nana's and Pop Pop's health is not well, today was still a day to be grateful.  Today was a day that reminds us of the great support system we have; messages of support, Nani's who visited and left lunch, Margarita who drove my parents to and from the hospital as well as stayed there, Andy who helped get the cars inspected, Allison who had dinner made and delivered by the time my parents returned, and Eduardo who picked-up and sorted medicine, steam-cleaned the floor, and visited the lovely couple.  Thank you God for our many blessings!

November 17, 2010

November 16

Both Patient and Nurse Lucha are in bad shape!  Pop Pop spent the entire day at UNC, he left the house at 9 am and returned home at 6 pm.  Fortunately, they harvested 6,000,500 stem cell and they only needed 5,000,000...so no hospital tomorrow!  They harvested his stem cells using a system similar to dialysis.  While it is difficult to convey exactly what he felt today, he says he felt vibrations throughout his entire body and his fingers, toes, lips, and more were numb.  My understanding is that those sensations were due to the loss of calcium during the harvesting.  At the moment he still feels numbness, but not vibrations, as well as nausea, and something that he can't put into words.

Nurse Lucha went for a stress test today; however, she was unable to complete it (bc her back) so she was injected with a dye and scanned instead.  Apparently lying on a metal table for a period of time when you have serious back injuries is not good. She can hardly move and is in intense pain. 
So here I am, Nurse (I prefer Dr.) A.  Put Lucha to bed with a third Advil and I have to tell you it hurts just looking at her she is in so much pain.  Then off to hang out with Pop Pop.  He is not happy that Bristol Palin gets to stay on Dancing with the Stars (neither am I, even though I don't normally watch).  Fast forward 2 hours and I made him get in bed (only after he checked on Lucha and gave her a kiss) and then I snuggled him like I did when I was just a little girl.  As soon as we heard the storm roll in, I was given the option to stay or go, so I left.

November 15, 2010

November 15, 2010

Back to UNC today...for a very long day!  Tomorrow will be just as long if not longer as the plan is to begin harvesting stem cells.  We received word from the BMT, Bone Marrow Transplant Team, that Pop Pop may be admitted as early as the end of next week for the Bone Marrow Transplant.  Although we knew this was coming, now that it is actually upon us I can't begin to explain the mix of emotions that we are feeling.  The anxiety and anticipation are palpable.  If he does go in by the end of next week, there is a possibility that he will be out of the hospital for Christmas; however, he may not actually be home.  The BMT team made it very clear that he needs to be within 15 min of the hospital and that he must have someone with him 24 hours a day.  The operative words being with him not nearby.

On a side note ... Nurse Lucha is scheduled for a stress test tomorrow. I am going to say that the chances that she is stressed...100%, but lets prey that her heart is not!  Thank you Companion Zandra for driving Nurse Lucha (perhaps they can give you a stress test as well after that long drive to Cary).

UNC takes great care of everyone! 
( Bella's visit with Pop Pop today.)

November 14, 2010

November 14, 2010

I am sitting at the kitchen table with Pop Pop enjoying conversation and orange juice.  I thought that I might take this opportunity to allow him to dictate today's update. (find my thoughts enclosed in parenthasis)

"First Iwould like to thank you (me) for giving me my injections. (I am not sure that he should be thanking me as I know that the second one hurt). Second, I know the effects of these injections are tremendous body aches, especially when I wake-up in the morning.  I have been using my miracle drug which is helping me relate with people.  I have my daughter next to me right now, you have to write what I am telling you (Oh, No), I am looking at her face and like always I can say she is a beautiful person inside and out (blush, mind you I have a big mask covering my face). I am going to read that when you finish!  Since my white cells are so low, it makes me a recluce from seeing my grandchildren and their family's...this is really bad for me...but I understand.  So my plans for today, Sunday, is just let four walls make a meal out of me and I hope there is something left to go to the hospital tomorrow. I love everybody...Your Pop Pop"

I asked him if this is how he really feels and he said, "Yes, I feel like the house just wants to eat me up and not let me out.  Like I can't even move or do what ever I want."

November 13, 2010

November 13

Pop Pop refers to Percocet as a "Miracle Drug" as it normally does the job for pain, but the Neupogen is really doing a number on him and the Percocet only serves to take the edge off now.  His body aches are really getting painful and when I asked him where he feels it (if it is in his bones or muscles) he just says everywhere.  He is being very cautious with himself and wearing a mask when anyone is around because his white blood cells are at 0.

Pop Pop enjoyed watching the kids (Bella, Caroline and Alexander) play outside through the window today.  I took them over so that he could enjoy them for a bit while I gave him 3 injections in his belly.  When I saw the huge bruise left behind from a previous injection (not administered by me), I was worried that I might hurt him.  As always he was a trooper!  I also took him for another joy ride (we both wore masks) which I enjoyed as much as  he did.

November 11, 2010

I went to the hospital and had my shot with Lucy this morning. Adriana stopped with the kids for a minute to check on me and say hello. My levels are going down again so the mask goes on.
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November 10, 2010

November 9 & 10

While yesterday, November 9th, was an OK day... today the aches and pains have begun.  The Nuepogen injections that Pop Pop has to take for 14 consecutive days which will release his stem cells into his blood  have a known side effect of causing " bone or muscle pain or ache".  Just as painful seems to be the car ride to and from UNC each day as the 45 minute drive (each way) gives the loving couple some time to lovingly debate the pros and cons of Pop Pop's driving techniques.

November 8, 2010

November 6-8

Saturday, November 6
Oh, what a night!  Pop Pop did not feel well and the day started the same.  With body aches and a fuzzy head. We organized his medications (it is scarey how much he takes a day). The Jimenez crew left town, back to NJ. And last but not least, he saw Harrison walk!

Sunday, November 7
The night was a bit better and he was feeling an improvement over Saturday.  Zandra took Pop Pop for a joy ride, which he really enjoyed. The Neuprogen injections did not arrive and he needed to start them in the evening (stress all around).

Monday, November 8
Today has been a great day!  Pop Pop slept like a champion, he feels well (with energy) and is in a good mood.  We had a bit of a scare with the neuprogen injections (we thought it was going to cost $3,800 out of pocket) but it was just a hicup and all is good (he is going to have his shots administered at the hospital)!

November 5, 2010

November 2-5

I have been congested and taking care of a sick Alexander, so I haven't been able to visit Pop Pop in the hospital; hence, the lack of updates.  Juan recorded a conversation with the nurse last night so this update is based on that recording.

Tuesday, November 2
At night his BP was very high, Juan and Eduardo stayed at the hospital late until it started to go down again

Wednesday, November 3
At night he was having difficulty breathing due to the excess of fluid in his system.  Fluids were pooling in his lungs; however, his O2 saturation was fine.  He was given an Albuterol nebulizer and diuretics.

Thursday, November 4
After a long night, Pop Pop was given a blood transfusion (2 bags).  The doctors ran a series of tests on him: Head CT Scan, EKG, Chest X-ray, Blood Gas Level, Cardiac Enzyme. Pop Pop also met with the Kidney doctor (I still need to find out if we have any results).  His breathing stabilized; however, his BP was a little high and his face was red. 
* Yolani, Mimi and the kids arrived to visit!  Only Mimi and Yolani could go to the hospital because children should not be present while the Chemo is administered.  

Friday, November 5
Pop Pop was awoken by the nurses and doctors who wanted to give him an assessment (who are you? where are you? Can you touch your nose? ...).  He was not very happy about the whole situation!  He is very happy though that he is on his way HOME where he will see Daniella and Cristian (I know he will love that)!

November 1, 2010

November 1, 2010 (Admitted to UNC ...phone number below)

So we all took a few days off, unfortunately it was not all that I had hoped it would be.  Aside from going to have lab work done on Friday, Pop Pop's orders were to relax and not worry about chemo until today, Monday.  As you can imagine that is easier said than done! He has not felt well (he does not have much energy or appetite).  He did however have some time to be with Carlos and for that he is greatful. Oh and did I mention...all those little trick or treaters took his candy!

Today we pick-up where we left off and he has returned to UNC.  He has been admitted and we are waiting for test results, if all goes as planned he will begin cycle 3.  The number at the hospital is 966-5030. Please remember, do not call their cell phones unless you have Verizon.

October 27, 2010

October 27, 2010

I know everyone is anxious to learn about the test results, so here they are:

  • MUGA (heart study) result: Good / Normal
  • Pulmonary preliminary results:  Passed
  • Bone Marrow result: No evidence of Lymphoma
  • Kidney result: Too Low (postponing cycle 3 until Monday)
  • PET Scan preliminary result: Partial Response 50-60% effective (read below) Also, we are waiting to hear if the scan showed any changes in the shadow found prior to treatment in his lung.  If the shadow has gotten smaller, that may indicate that there is cancer in his lung as well. From the onset of treatment it has been unclear what the scan is showing in his lung.
  • The preliminary results show that approximately 40-50% of the cancer remains.  They will proceed with cycle 3 of the O-ICE treatment on Monday because his kidney functions are not where they need to be to continue as planed.  If Monday's lab results are better, he will be admitted and start cycle 3 of O-ICE. (Calendar is updated)
  • If he is not cancer-free by the end of cycle 3, the doctor will then make the decision to either do radiation, a new chemotherapy treatment or both.  It is possible that he may still qualify for the BMT; however, that depends on the clinical trial guidelines.
  • His kidney function is a large concern for everyone.  His kidneys must be in better condition to be able to do the BMT as BMT's are very tolling on the kidneys.  If a BMT is done and his kidneys are not healthy enough to sustain the procedure he could end-up on dialysis for the rest of his life. This is obviously not an option; therefore, if his kidneys are damaged he would not be able to proceed with a BMT.
  • When a patient relapses, the best course of action involves both chemotherapy and BMT, without the BMT it is very likely that he will relapse again in less time than it took the first.  In Pop Pop's case, if he is unable to receive a BMT, it is probable that the cancer will return in less than 1.5 - 2 years ( it could be as little as a month).  Each patient and case is different.
Today has obviously been a difficult day; however, Pop Pop is pushing forward and praying for the best.  

Carlos & Pop Pop
Blood Transfusion

October 26, 2010

October 26, 2010

Pop Pop started the day big a BANG, or should I say two?  He fell twice as he was getting ready, I am still unsure of the full story and Nurse Lucha was in the shower but what I do know is that as he was bending to pick-up a pillow from the floor he basically kept going and fell into the wall.  What happened the second time is still a mystery to me.

Aside from that...another FULL day at UNC (Labs, Blood transfusion, Magnesium & Phosphorous).  Pop Pop  and Nurse Lucha are both run-down; emotionally, mentally, and physically!

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY, with test results, a meeting with the Bone Marrow Transplant Team and a meeting with Dr. Richards.  This is one of the moments we have all been praying for (so don't stop now).

On the upside, Pop Pop's Mini-Me,Carlos, is in town to assist Nurse Lucha and Patient Pop Pop for the next few days.

Lastly, if you follow the calendar and lab results...they are updated (sorry for the delay).  Hopefully, I will have more dates after tomorrow's meeting to add to the calendar.

October 25, 2010

Thank you from Pop Pop

Pop Pop has asked me to say thank you for all the prayers, well wishes, and words of encouragement. He loves you all and feels so fortunate to have such wonderful people in his life.

October 25, 2010

Long Day ... for both patient and Nurse Lucha (who pushed a wheelchair all day)

Arrive @ UNC 9:45
Straight to Registration
2nd Floor, Oncology Hematology into a room with a bed for the Bone Marrow test.  He was put to sleep. Took bone marrow biopsy
3rd Floor, Needed transfusion but couldn't get it at the moment (behind schedule)
Far Far Across Hospital to Pulmonary 6th Floor
(Nurse Lucha up and down from 2nd floor back to 6th Floor)
Back down to ground level ... 2 buildings over to Woman's Center Basement to have MAGA Scan (1 hour)
Nurse Lucha was having a sugar low so she took her lunch brake 2 buildings over to grab pizza to share and back across two buildings back to her patient.
Back to the cancer hospital to 3rd Floor ... Infusion: 2 bags of Potassium
Downstairs ... Finally to leave @ 6pm

Walmart ... Home ... Cook ... and washed a load of clothes

FYI:  Bleeding in the skin, the spots I found on his legs, are due to the low platelets.

Return for more!

October 22, 23 & 24

Bad, Bad and well Bad... so that pretty much sums up the last few days.  Friday I stopped at my parents' house in the morning to pick-up my mom to take her to her back appointment and I went upstairs to say good morning to my dad.  I knew the moment that I saw him that he was not doing well.  He had another bad night with a nosebleed, he did not have any energy, he was short of breath, I found new red dots on his legs, and overall...he just looked off to me.  As I went to say good-bye to him I could not help but pull him close to me for an extra long hug and I kissed the top of his head (he was sitting), I love his peach fuzz so lingered there for a while then I whispered to him, "Daddy, lets just stay home and snuggle today". (I knew it was going to be another long day at UNC.)  He responded by saying, "I can't baby, I have to go...but maybe when I get home".  I wanted so badly to somehow take him away from all of this just for a moment but I knew full well that that was nothing more than a hope.  If you know my parents then you know they have always been the type of people who just do what needs to be done.  Rarely do you hear them complain about the journey that needs to be taken to get it done.

In this blog I have done my best to keep my personal thoughts, opinions, and interactions with my parents limited as I don't want to make this about me.  In fact, I even try to refer to them as anything other than my parents because the purpose of this blog has been a way for you, the reader, to interact with them (not me).  But today, I have decided to share this with you for a reason...I am asking you to choose something that you know you should do or that you have wanted to do, but have for one reason or another made excuses not to do.  I am asking that you just "do what needs to be done" regardless, at least for one week.  Allow his fight and the fight of the many others who battle cancer to inspire you, to remind you that when pushed you can endure so much more than you realize.  Allow his fight to serve as a reminder of all that you have to be grateful for, for all that you are capable of that so many others are not. I am asking you to complete the following statement and make it a commitment ...

If Pop Pop can fight cancer, than I can ... 

(no matter if I am tired, if it is raining, if I am busy, if I feel like giving up...I will do what needs to be done!)

What will it be for you?  Are you willing to commit?  Please let me know how Pop Pop is inspiring you. 

FYI, Friday proved to be a bad day.  The blood test revealed he was in need of more 3 bags of potassium, magnesium, phosphate, saline, and platelets.  His leg, for some unknown reason, is not working well (he is having difficulty walking at times). Saturday and Sunday were more or less the same, he continues to have limited energy and no appetite. Tomorrow, Monday, he will have a series of exams.  He begins staging, the phase when a number of tests are done to see if the chemotherapy treatments have been working.  We continue to pray for the exams to show him as cancer free!  Also the doctors are testing to make certain that he is a candidate for a bone marrow transplant, there has been serious concern about his kidneys.

Please pray for all those who have fought and those who continue to fight their own personal battle against cancer. Our lives have been touched and inspired by many family and friends:

Julio Cordoba, Tia Olga, Carlos Holub, Mercedes Barragan, Vicki Kennedy, George Kennedy, Tobby Litt, Serafina Cammarata, Magnolia, Aziz Barragan, Fernando Santos, David Hoereth, Albert Walton, Randy Thompson, Julito Jimenez, Leonor Jimenez, Julita Acosta

Alan Lougee, Alba Lucia Maya, Alfonso Leano, Arcecio Nieto, Arden Zebley, Debbie Eckert, Denice Kardas, Dyana Eckstein, Ed Kalchek, Fred Campos, German Ortiz, Gloria Espinosa, Henry Oward, Jesus Leano, John Semock, Julian Leano, Karen Battista, Kenneth Zeitler, Landa, Lisa Moran, Mary Claire Satterly, Mary Leslie, Mary Pollucci, Mc Pheeters, Owen Fincher, RC Klein, Rona, Ruth Gallop, Susana Bolaos, William Bunn

October 21, 2010

October 20 & 21

Yesterday was another bad day.  Pop went to UNC where they gave him 2 bags of Potassium and 1 bag of Magnesium.  It was almost 7 pm by the time they left to head home.

Today, he continues to be very tired (though a bit better than yesterday), short of breath, pale, and all around run-down.  He did however, leave the house and not to go to the hospital!  Pop Pop accompanied the Cordoba Sisters to Joanne's Fabric just to get out.  He mostly stayed in the car because he was "too exhausted" keep up with the ladies.  Just getting out in the car is a highlight for him these days, he says he enjoys just feeling the fresh air.

Tomorrow he returns to UNC for another blood test. He insists that he can drive himself.  Ann was going to drive him but he called and cancelled (let the record show, I was not happy about this choice).  I have emailed Ranju (from UNC) to make sure that this is ok with them.

Lastly, Nurse Lucha is returning to the back specialist to get an injection for her back again.  You know she is in pain if she is voluntarily getting an injection! (For my prayers out there ... please add her to your list.)


It seems that Pop Pop has had another nose bleed tonight and has come to the realization that he does not actually feel well enough to drive himself.  Thank you Ann for your help.


Our favorite movie critic says thumbs down, actually it was "don't watch" ... The Box.

October 19, 2010

October 19, 2010

Last night was a BAD night.  The pain started in his gluteus maximus (took percocet), then traveled to his kidney (took a percocet),  made its way to his shoulders (another percocet), and finally morning came (surprisingly without much sleep) and the pain slowly started to fade throughout the day.  However, the lack of energy and shortness of breath persisted.

He did make it out of the house for a joy ride to Nana's doctor, where he remained in the car during her visit.

Entertainment has consisted of Avatar and It's Complicated...both received a thumbs up!

Few Loose Ends...

  1. The poll has ended & thank you to those of you who voted.  The final results showed that an overwhelming 75% of voters feel ...YES, Eduardo should grow his beard to 8 inches as well.
  2. Eduardo has also informed me that he is using his head to double donate ... that is ... 8 inches to Pantene and he will participate in St. Baldrick's fundraiser when he shaves his head.  Funds raised go toward childhood cancer resrearch http://www.stbaldricks.org/.  Yeah!!!!!

October 18, 2010

October 18, 2010

Just as we anticipated,putting off a blood transfusion for a patient who's levels are clearly declining is NOT a good decision!  Last night Pop Pop had a nose bleed and this morning he awoke with very little energy at all.  He canceled his appointment at Rex (not surprisingly) and went to UNC where he learned that he was in need of ...
  1. 2 pints of blood (blood transfusion)
  2. Potassium (potassium infusion)
  3. Platelets (platelet transfusion)
  4. Magnesium
  5. Phosphate
(I will spare you my personal ranting and raving about how I feel about this entire situation.)

Needless to say, Nana & Pop Pop both had a LONG day!  After spending the entire day at the hospital, I am happy to report that  both patient and nurse are at home ...exhausted.

my poor daddy!

October 17, 2010

October 16 & 17

Just as we anticipated Pop Pop has felt increasingly worse and continues on that path since he is waiting to receive his blood transfusion.  Today, he choose a spot on the couch and owned it ... vowing not to move from that specific location unless absolutely necessary.  He has an appointment at UNC tomorrow to have his blood work done and where they will do a much needed blood transfusion.  Nurse Lucha has been so worried about him and doing her best to stay strong beside him.  I can only hope that tomorrow will bring relief to them both.

Pop Pop hang in there we are all routing for you!!

October 16, 2010

Ask and ye shall receive

I have some pictures of Caroline and Harrison's visit with Pop.  Flashback to 10/05/10 ...

October 15, 2010

October 14 & 15, 2010

Yesterday the training continued and Pop Pop made it several mailboxes beyond the day before with fewer stops. He was moving like a champion! Carlos, the competition is on. Or perhaps I should wait a few days before making any wagers, Pop Pop was unable to walk today. He went for his blood test at Rex and the doctor sent him home. Upon arrival Nurse Lucha contacted Ranju from UNC to discuss the results and Ranju and Dr. Roberts felt Jimenez should have a blood transfusion (see labs below). However, since he had seen Dr. Zietler today at Rex, they had to follow his orders (which was he wanted Pop Pop's numbers to be slightly lower). Ridiculous office politics now has him on hold feeling like crap (excuse my French) until Monday. In the end Ranju told him to save his energy (just what Nurse Lucha has suggested all along) and really relax.

Which brings us back to movie rentals...what should I get him???

Now, for the entertainment portion of today's update ... picture. Not of Pop Pop, but of Ed or should I say Ed's head! I am so proud of him for growing his hair out to at least 8 inches to donate to Pantene Beautiful Lengths http://www.pantene.com/en-us/beautiful-lengths-cause/default.aspx . Pantene makes wigs to donate to woman who have lost their hair to cancer treatments!

The real question here is should Ed also grow his beard to 8 inches??? Vote in the poll on the right!

I need to get more pictures from Eduardo from when Caroline and Harrison have visited Pop Pop, I haven't been able to post any only because we don't visit Pop Pop at the same time (he shouldn't have too many people in the house). Jimenez sent me this one today and I love it...so pretty.

October 13, 2010

October 12 & 13, 2010

Well yesterday was much like today (which was much like the day before that) ... Yuck, but the type that one would associate with Chemo. Today when Pop Pop went for his blood work he also received Potassium (because his level is low again) and Neulasta. I have noticed his white blood cells are dropping so we are keeping an eye on that as well.

Yesterday, he called the doctor to let them know that he was beyond tired and could hardly walk. The doctor told him that he had to get up and walk, because fluid can collect in his lungs. Hence, the marathon training begins. Today, we made it a few mailboxes further than yesterday!!

On a happy note... Pop Pop is the only person on Chemo (exaggeration) that gains weight. So needless to say, he was thrilled when a package of Delicious Orchards goodies arrived from Vickie & George. Not to mention, the personal delivery of Cuban/Dominican food from Nani (and the gang). Yum Yum Yum!

Pop Pop has asked me to say thank you for the comments, he enjoys hearing from everyone.

Lastly, I need to rent him another movie ... any suggestions??

October 12, 2010

October 11, 2010

Another lousy day. Pop Pop is understandably run-down. When I asked him to describe to me how he feels today, his answer was "tired, very tired and down". FYI, he did clarify that down was in regard to his physical state and not mental.

I am so proud of how strong both my parents have been. Lu is taking great care of him and Jimenez is taking his treatment one day at a time. I know that everyone has been hoping and praying for the best and many of you have asked if there is anything more you can do, all I can ask for is continued support and prayers. Pray that his scans show that he is cancer free by the end of cycle 2, otherwise they will have to postpone his transplant and look for a new avenue to attack the cancer.

October 10, 2010

Consider yourself Up To Date!

I realize I left you wondering about Pop Pop just when you want to know about him most, while he was in the hospital. For that I apologize; however, I must say ... I often wonder if there is anyone out there reading this (that is other than Pop Pop himself). At least say hi to him!

10-10-10 (Discharged)

After a long night last night, Pop Pop finally got some sleep and did not wake until 10 am. For the first part of the day he was doing well; however, as the day progressed he has grown more and more tired. He does not want to say or do much of anything.

10-09-10 Long Night

Today was a FULL day of chemo! So much so that by nights end Pop Pop was swollen with fluid and his lungs were "gurgling" with fluid. He was having difficulty breathing so they put him on oxygen and injected him with a diuretic to help him urinate the excess water. He suffered terrible headaches, his blood pressure was high, and his heart rated had slowed to 40 bpm (normal 75-80 bpm).

10-08-10 Why we ALL love Pop Pop

Today is Nana and Pop Pop's "Happy Day" and it started great. I took Nana to visit Pop Pop and the nurse said Alexander could come for a short visit before they started him on chemo again. Alexander packed him a lunch (Scooby Doo for Alexander & Spiderman for Pop Pop). Just in case you are wondering, it consisted of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cheese doodles, a go gourt, and a capri sun drink.

The nurse had just given him an injection to boost his energy (and boy did it work).

... What a change from just a few days ago (10-02-10) ...

Sorry for the side view (again) but when I rotated it, I lost half of it.

As I mentioned, it was a short visit. By the end of the night he was exhausted but he was having difficulty sleeping so he asked the nurse if he could please have a Viagra, I can only imagine her face as she looked at him and asked him why he thought he was going to need that! Realizing that something was not right, he asked her if he had just asked for a Viagra and then explained that what he really needed was an Ambien.

Ha Ha Ha ... I still can't stop laughing ... I only wish you could hear him tell you the story himself ... hysterical. You know that nurse is still talking about the creepy man wanting a Viagra.

10-07-10 right where we left off

Right back to where I last left you, the day Pop Pop entered the hospital for Cycle 2. As I stated he was feeling lousy, but boy did he sleep. He slept on and off for hours.

He was given 2 bags of potassium, 1 bag of magnesium, and he began taking phosphate orally.

Lab Results have been updated!

October 7, 2010

CYCLE 2 BEGINS (10-07-10)

Today is the start of cycle 2.

Pop Pop is back in UNC hospital and will stay for 3-4 days. Please don't call their cell phone unless you have Verizon, otherwise the number to the room is 919-966-5093.

The past few days have been a series of ups and downs. Up: Mr. Harrison took his first few steps ... Down: Pop Pop and Nana had a meeting to learn about the Bone Marrow Transplant to come.

Overall, he hasn't been feeling too great, mostly symptoms one would expect from chemo (lack of energy, appetite, overall yuck) with increasing pain in his bones at nighttime. We expect that the side effects will worsen with this second cycle ... so keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

October 3, 2010

October 2, 2010 Pictures

Gomez Visit

October 3, 2010

Today was another decent day for me.  I tried to go to the store but that did not lost long because I get tired too fast.  I wanted to just go back home.  Monica and Alexzandra came to visit and they brought me a berry blast and a wrap from McDonald's.  

I will post some pictures later.

October 2nd Update..

Finally, I got my head shaved ... what a feeling, it hurts!  It hurts because the small head whiskers go into my skin like small needles.  Aside from my head, I was feeling very tired and I did not have an appetite.  I was visited by a few people (Eduardo, Mr. Harrison, Tere and Gonzalo) which was nice to see family again!

Also, I finally saw The Book of Eli, between you and me , no good.  

October 1, 2010

What is different??

Today Pop Pop ate!!! Mami made a yummy cilantro chicken that not even chemo could deny. His blood work showed that everything went up a bit except for his platelets (see below).

Now for what everyone is waiting for.... a picture ...

.... can you spot what is different??? The mustache and goatee are missing! Still he is as handsome as ever.

As for the movie, he still hasn't watched it.